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The "kick up a huge stink about people are working overtime and insist that the vendor be held to sane standards or project scopes reconsidered to fit in a normal work week schedule" one. I'm not sure where you're getting "went over the CTOs head" from; I never suggested doing that. It sounds like a stupid thing to do. You kick up a stink by talking to the CTO, 1:1. Or whoever you report to.

Ummm...let me think here:

Poster: Because throwing the CTO under the bus is always career enhancing ...

You: That isn't throwing anyone under the bus. I've literally had that conversation.

Me: What do you mean? You complained to the CEO about the CTO?

You can't "throw the CTO under the bus" when talking to the CTO, "throwing X under the bus" colloquially means "blame X for the problem when talking to authority figure Y"

That's why your comments are confusing.

The thread leading up to your comment is presupposing tattling on the CTO to some authority figure.

You were very terse and dismissive in your reply. Apparently you were trying to communicate "No, I was smart, I didn't talk to an authority figure", instead you said you've "literally had that conversation", which would further imply you tattled to a authority figure, and that you only wanted to disagree on whether this constituted throwing the CTO under the bus to the authority figure.

Should have thought one step further back: The weirdness comes in going from "a better play is to kick up a huge stink about people are working overtime and insist that the vendor be held to sane standards" to "throwing the CTO under the bus". The huge stink was kicked up with the CTO, so there never was any "throwing under the bus". It's your "Poster", the next commenter after OP, who introduced the confusion -- not OP (your "you"). HTH!

ETA, after looking up names: No, the thread up to then was not about "tattling to a [higher] authority figure". Poster roenxi was the OP, with "raising a huge stink". Then speedbird2 misunderstood that as "throwing under the bus", and you're for some reason taking that misunderstanding as defining what the thread was about.

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