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They probably didn't pick devs that they trusted, they picked the ones they thought were the cheapest.

I think very few execs care about the cost of individuals. Firstly it's not their money, secondly they're not rewarded for "hiring cheap" but they are penalized for their failure to perform.

Throw in that hiring in general is hard, and that hiring technical people when you are non-technical is even harder, and it's hard to have lots of confidence right out the gate.

> I think very few execs care about the cost of individuals.

From what I've seen, it's always about cost. They would post salary ranges if that weren't the case.

> hiring technical people when you are non-technical

Non-technical people are always hiring technical people. How do houses get built? Who hire lawyers?... It's either references or researching the person's professional experience. And yes, people can lie. But that happens everywhere not just in tech.

And so again failed at their jobs.

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