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I like the approach of “all randomness on a system should come from a csprng unless you opt out”. It’s the stronger of two options where you lose a small amount of perf for a much stronger guarantee that you won’t use the wrong rng and cause a disaster. It’s a shame that this is still a sharp edge developers need to think about it pretty much all languages.

In 2024 that's the right answer. But the programming world does not move as quickly as it fancies it does, so decades ago when this implicit standard was being made it would be tougher, because the performance hit would be much more noticeable.

There's a lot of stuff like that still floating around. One of my favorite examples is that the *at family of file handling functions really ought to be the default (e.g., openat [1]), and the conventional functions really ought to be pushed back into a corner. The *at functions are more secure and dodge a lot of traps that the conventional functions will push you right into. But *at functions are slightly more complicated and not what everyone is used to, so instead they are the ones pushed into the background, even though the *at functions are much more suited to 2024. I'm still waiting to see a language's standard library present them as the default API and diminish (even if it is probably impossible to "remove") the standard functions. Links to any such language I'm not aware of welcome, since of course I do not know all language standard libraries.

[1]: https://linux.die.net/man/2/openat , see also all the other "See Also" at the bottom with functions that end in "at"

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