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T2 Linux 24.5 Released for 25 architectures (t2sde.org)
16 points by unixhero 31 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This is good, but what would be great is binary packages for those 25 architectures.

Uh... the binaries are here dude


I suppose binary prebuilts would still help, but my impression is that T2 is more like buildroot or gentoo, where building from source with your own compiler flags and patches is part of the point. Is that not right? (I confess I've not actually used T2, only skimmed info about it)

I looked at this T2 distro a few years back, because it still had support for 32-bit PowerPC and Debian discontinued support for that with Debian Stretch (I believe Debian Jessie was the last one to support PowerPC). I was using a MacMini (with PowerPC) and didn't really enjoy compiling complex software on that machine as it only has 256 MB of ram and still used a spinning disk HDD (instead of a SSD). The hardware finally died a few years ago, but at that time I would only consider distros or versions of Unix with binary packages which left me with Debian and OpenBSD (and maybe NetBSD?).

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