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If you are building a product which is better than your competitor, then just ace 1 or 2 key-features, let your users ask for more, and they'll tell you what they need to take it forward.

IMHO, you just need to launch and get that feedback, and be very shameless about it, ask for it everywhere you can, inside the product, in communities, in DMs, and the user who sees the potential or likes your core-offerings will be more than happy to tell what's missing and what can be improved.

It's every easy to build things, it gives you the constant dopamine that you need at the end of the day, distributing things and facing the world wether the market really needs it is a tough job. YOU NEED TO DO THAT TOUGH JOB. That's what's the most beautiful thing about building, people using it. Rest is noise. Money is noise.

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