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Furthermore, this photo-forward interface design pattern presents candidates' physical attractiveness as the most salient feature. While this is desirable in a dating app, this is probably not very relevant for assessing people for their potential as musical collaborators.

From the top of my head, I'm going to guess people want (1) personable and agreeable bandmates with (2) compatible music styles, (3) musical talent and skill, and (4) can play instruments or roles that a band is missing.

So the interface should support users in presenting and finding these traits. If I were to design it, I'd have:

- Auto-playing music sample gallery. This is the most important thing to present. The current design asks the user to dig into Youtube and Soundcloud links — which is very high-friction and would have the user jumping between this app and other apps every few seconds.

- One-minute self-introduction video. This helps the user grok the general 'vibe' of someone.

- Allow users to connect their Spotify or other music accounts. Then show users their shared music interests. This can provide another clue about having compatible musical personalities.

I agree with pretty much all this. I avoided in-app videos because of the complexity and cost of building a transcoding/streaming system. But I suppose audio-only wouldn't be too bad.

I like your ideas, and I feel like tiktok/reels would be the better base for this type of app than tinder

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