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Open-Source Fault Tree Analysis (OSFTA) (github.com/afugs98)
3 points by saha68 24 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

In an era increasingly dominated by software and hardware integrations, ensuring the safety and reliability of these systems is paramount. This project, inspired by Chris Hobbs's seminal work, "Embedded Software Development for Safety-Critical Systems," aims to address a significant gap in the availability of robust, open-source Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) tools. Despite the critical role of FTA in assessing system vulnerabilities and predicting failure points, the lack of accessible tools has pushed many towards expensive commercial solutions. Our project, the Open-Source Fault Tree Analysis (OSFTA) tool, is designed to provide a user-friendly, cross-platform solution that separates the calculation engine from the visual interface, thereby simplifying the integration into developers' workflows and enhancing the reliability testing of safety-critical systems.

Sounds interesting, but the github repo doesn't seem to have enough README content to explain who should use the project or how to use the project.

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