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No he didn't. He squatted in an abandoned store, went about town, joined a church, and had a (seemingly) pretty serious relationship. Headline makes it sound like he's Ceiling Cat, but with more stealth ninja.

From the article:

> Over the course of seven months, the Roofman hit over 40 restaurants, mostly McDonald’s franchises, for a total score of $100,000. Armed with a gun and power tools, he drilled through the roof. Then, he would drop down from the ceiling, sometimes as far as 14 feet, and begin the holdup.

I would probably never use the term “ceiling cat” unprompted, but if there was ever a person to which the term could be applied, it’s this guy. Not in the spying sense you’re implying, but clearly acclimated to ceilings

Clearly my double meaning was missed.

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