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>"It is a fact that Russia affects GPS devices in our region’s airspace,"

Fuck the Russian government.

Well I mean they were very much fine with shooting down civilian airliner sanctioned by puttin' and hoped in vain that Ukraine government gets the blame (only for KGB guy Strelkov to boast about doing it a bit later, apart from all the other clear evidence).

Human lives, be it russian or literally anybody else, have for russian government 0 value in the way it has for the rest of the world, and don't hold your breath about rest of population being massively different than government (I don't mean few great folks here and there who didn't escape yet, I mean whole 150 million population overall). This has been true for centuries and while much of the world moved on from those barbaric times, they didn't and recently went into full throttle reverse. Any treaties with them are worth less than paper they are on, they uphold them only if it suits them.

Anybody watching how they behave either in Ukraine or previously elsewhere, anywhere ain't surprised a bit. Accept the reality of who they are and who they are definitely not, then we can start effectively dealing with this cancer of modern world with massive inferiority complex (for which there are tons of good reasons, but it didn't have to go this way with more moral nation).

No love there, only the opposite, facts are clear and consistent.

Don't think Russia's all that special. The only reason the West values those lives is that they're valuable pawns against Russia. To see how the West acts about lives that aren't valuable pawns, just look at Palestine. The West lost all moral credibility after Palestine. Our governments can't claim they care about human life any more.

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