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A lot of you are not taking about the biggest reason to avoid GitHub. Having the rug pulled from you.

Terraform? Remember that? VMWare? Redis? What happens when a company stops providing a good deal? With GitHub you have lock in to the way they do things. So many of you complained about CentOS and then go lock yourselves in to far worse when you have CentOS Stream which was mostly good enough.

You have a perfectly good option: GitLab. Yes, parts of it are closed source, but most of you will be perfectly fine with the open source stuff. You can move your repos over to a self hosted option for your independence with ease. Most of you do not care about that because you want to seem like you have a lot of activity on your GitHub.

I do not blame you. I literally had an employer reach out to interview me directly because of my GitHub activity. His job offer was absolutely terrible but it was nice for them to do that this time.

But most of you also want to entertain the idea of moving up in the world from a simple coder. A tech lead, a tech business owner, vc startup, run a nonprofit, etc. Then you care about the rug being pulled from you, either because it means less money for what you want to do or it is a massive hassle to move, and this is an excellent way to prevent that.

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