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> Booking.com met my report of a phishing campaign over their site (hotel got hacked) with a "it happens, we might talk to the hotel about it one day" shrug

This is my problem with almost every "report spam/fraud/etc" flow. It's always a digital shrug, and then nothing happens.

Only one site I know of ever had it right: Instagram, up to about 2021. When you reported an account or post, you would actually be notified when they took action, which would usually take about a week and be something like "the account was removed". It was so satisfying to see a spam account get taken down after a report. But, they removed that in favor of the "hey thanks for the report we've tossed it right in the trash lol" user flow that every other site uses. Unfortunate.

The problem with the feedback is scammers can abuse it - they report a few of their own scams and then use feedback to check on those and thus see what happened an in turn they better know when they are blocked and have a better idea how to create new accounts that are hard to block.

Generally, I find the effectiveness of feedback is inversely proportional to the ease of submitting it.

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