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You can put an external monkey outside and lock the door if you have a door and your boss doesn't tell you you to allow the monkey. Some internal monkeys can be tamed with simple habits.

Not everyone can form "simple habits", especially when they have monkeys running around their brain. For external monkeys, there are always some solutions that have little ongoing costs - negotiation, ANC headphones, office hours, telling the monkey to GTFO. Can't tell your own brain to shut up.

GP did not say that "everyone can form "simple habits." That's a strawman version of their position.

Emphasis mine:

> Some internal monkeys can be tamed with simple habits.

If you dismiss the advice because it's not universally applicable, I think you do yourself and others a disservice.

I have some very bad ADHD that I have worked for years to control (using tools ranging from medication to meditation/mindfulness, etc). I fully agree that the monkeys in your brain can't be fully tamed, but surely you would agree that there is at least something that most people can do to improve things even a little bit? It's definitely hard, but not impossible.

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