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> I think this point is a bit obscured by the article's use of this "fragmented thinking" terminology, which does not do a good job of defining before building an argument on top of it.

I totally agree with you that the article didn't explicitly define it, but I had the opposite experience reading it. For me, sans definition, could very quickly imagine what they were talking about because it started resonating for me almost immediately.

> The frustrating thing about external interruptions is the inability to control them. Things like turning off notifications and putting on headphones are mechanisms to reduce that frustration by imposing control over those interruptions.

This is partly why it started resonating for me right away. I currently share a semi-private office with another senior engineer. Lately he's been spending a good chunk of his time working on higher-level systems planning work and I've been spending most of my time working on very specific complex low-level work. The questions are sometimes frustrating because they'll interrupt my flow state, but... only sometimes. I've been chewing on that for a couple of weeks now, actually, because I hadn't yet figured out why he could sometimes ask me questions and it would have almost zero effect on me while other times it would have a massive negative effect.

The article nailed it, on reflection: the effect size of being interrupted with a question, for me, is proportional to how far away from the problem I'm working on is. If I'm digging into some of the autopilot code and get asked a question about GPS or IMUs, it is absolutely no problem to think about the question and answer it. If, though, it's a question about, say, a battery or the charging system, I'll get the "black cloud evaporating" phenomenon from the comic in the article. And it happens so quickly that by time I can even just answer "sorry, I don't have brain capacity to think about that right now" it's too late.

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