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> less than two hours

> hassle-free taxes

That's still a crazy demand on the time of someone paying for everything. My bank, my employer and my brokerage all report on me, the IRS should be able to just mail a check or a bill most of the time.

"Less than two hours" does sound like a lot. I'm also in Canada and spend about 10 minutes per year on my Canadian taxes.

Settling with the US government as an expat, on the other hand... I pay handomely for somebody to handle that.

Let's all absorb the HN moment when Canadian taxes are preferred to American taxes.

I have a bunch of USD-denominated stuff for which my brokerage doesn’t always issue complete tax slips for, so it required going over my statements to double check that everything was being accounted correctly.

My wife’s (uncomplicated) taxes basically took 15 minutes. You do always want to check to make sure that you’ve hit every tax deduction you can - for example, work-from-home deductions, donation deductions, even things like paying for news subscriptions gets a tax credit. That’s the sort of thing that doesn’t get reported to the CRA, but which you can claim tax deductions on.

My C-corp taxes took about half an hour with turbo tax (just software development contracting).

It really puzzles me what is so complicated about filing taxes as someone who only has employment income.

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