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We could just invade Canada - I think it’s been long enough that we should give it another shot. Without the British they don’t stand a chance this time around and we've got the fracking technology to exploit the land.

We can probably send the first Marine regiment over as undercover immigrants escaping the possibility of a second Trump regime and gain control of their weaponized maple syrup reserves before they even know what’s happening.

If the US goes for an invasion, I think we'd be way better off invading Baja California. Spice must flow! That is, we must keep up with demand from the Alameda-Weehawken burrito tunnel [0]?

[0] https://idlewords.com/2007/04/the_alameda_weehawken_burrito_...

Baja Mexico would be more sensible to get everyone on the Pacific plate under one jurisdiction; plus the military has training bases nearby.

> gain control of their weaponized maple syrup reserves before they even know what’s happening.

Not sure if the BBC is implicit in psyops, but they report the reserves are very low [1]. On the one side, that means the spoils of war are low, on the other side, it means they won't be able to mobilize their unique units.

[1] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68657703

That's just the run off from the maple syrup enrichment process that they sell to outsiders to fund Canadian defense.

The real stuff is stored in secret bunkers across the country along with the cheese curds and gravy.

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