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Sure, but it's also profoundly annoying to spend your workday deploying and maintaining services, then come home and have to do the same.

I ran Jellyfin some years back, when I was evaluating Plex/Emby/Jellyfin after switching from Kodi, and I probably spent a week or more chasing random issues and crashes. So I put it on the shelf and picked Plex since it was nearly 0 effort and it made the family happy given how easy it was to use (and didn't crash).

Of course people want something that's easy to set up and use. A lot of people want a tool, not a new hobby. And the best way to accomplish that is unfortunately to optimize for ease of setup and stability instead of new features. But that can be hard for an open-source project when everyone is asking for the new thing a for-profit company added to their product.

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