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What about oncoming cyclists?


Lazy response. No reason that can't happen too. I don't know which systems support that. Research it and report back!

pedestrians and bikes need to be seen so they need to have light shine on them

that was my first thought too.

It's a whole different ballgame having a pedestrian blinded vs having a driver blinded. I'm not saying it's good for a pedestrian, but we have to consider the inherent risk of that vs t hem not being seen at all because the light gives no opportunity to reflect off of them.

I’ve researched it and I’m reporting back.

The answer is that the technology is advertised as not dazzling oncoming drivers only.

Further, the little explanation of the technology I could find stated it worked by detecting headlights and taillights of cars.

The remaining area will be lit with modern high-intensity beam.

Thus, I conclude that the pedestrians and cyclists will be blinded.

I haven't done a whole lot of research, but this [0] says

> matrix headlights, consist of numerous small LED elements and mirrors that can control a light beam in complex ways. This allows the lights to be more precisely aimed, illuminating what the driver needs to see without blinding other motorists, pedestrians, or cyclists.

[0] https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1135084_us-finally-allow...

> Thus, I conclude that the pedestrians and cyclists will be blinded.

That matches my lived experience in the UK. Not that every driver will dip for pedestrians, but matrix ones certainly don't

What do you suggest we do? Make the headlights dimmer? The current regulations seem to allow between 500-3000 candelas.

I suggest we make headlights be no higher off the ground than 2' and adjusted downwards. If your vehicle is so tall that your lights are under the grill, that's on you. People don't need to be blinded by bright white lights at eye level.

People playing with pogo sticks in the road?

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