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Both my 5 year old and my 2 year old have a copy of this, and both of them love it for different reasons.

But presumably this was actually posted because the sequel, Computer Engineering for Big Babies[0] will be available imminently?

[0]: https://computerengineeringforbabies.com/products/computer-e...

Fun fact about the sequel, it comes with a sticker that says "kids" that can optionally be used to cover up the Babies label, for those children who'd refuse to pick up anything that is targeted at babies :)

The first book came with a bunch of stickers, saying "monsters", "kids", and some other funny ones I don't remember. (My sister gifted it to my 1yo daughter. I mostly enjoyed explaining to everyone who would listen how the latch circuit worked, and what it was for ...)

I backed both books, and both times there were some production issues—this time around, with two _switches_ instead of two buttons (so four possible states, more complex hardware, etc.), the production timeline has extended a few extra times.

It's all much harder once you target child-proof design, especially since things like page lamination get tricky! It's been fun to watch and learn from (though I'm certain less fun on the production side) as someone who tracks a lot of hardware projects.

Probably on purpose to show kids a bit what the real world is like.

Yeah I ordered a few, but filled out the form with "I don't need them before Christmas". But I got a message recently saying they're on their way now!

We got our copy of the sequel in time for Christmas. It was my 2 year old’s second favorite gift (after her gigantic stuffed cat of course)

We got the new book here already. The switches feel a bit confusing as input on some of the pages, but it's fun for the kids to make the colorful less blink regardless.

Frankly I posted it because am considering it for our 2yo and wanted some reviews not from the seller website :)

Oh, yeah, it's great! A no-brainer if you're a computer nerd with young children :)

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