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Ask HN: What NYC startups should we feature on 5in5NYC
6 points by ericskiff on April 26, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Last week we launched 5in5NYC ( http://5in5nyc.com ) to shine a spotlight on the NYC startup community. Each week we're gathering 5 NYC startups and letting them tell their stories, and then chat amongst themselves.

We'd love to focus on the up-and-coming companies that are doing interesting stuff and who don't necessarily have connections or access to open doors at the traditional tech blogs and publications.

Mostly, we want to be as helpful as we can - this show is in many ways karmic payback for the many people who've helped us and our companies along the way.

So, who should we invite to be on the upcoming episodes?

http://getalbumjacket.com is an awesome NYC startup, gaining quite a bit of momentum

Awesome, I'll check them out, thanks!

http://jungroup.com is doing some real cool alternative advertising things.

http://www.knewton.com/, education platform.

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