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Worldwide Mirrors of git.kernel.org (google-opensource.blogspot.com)
72 points by SriniK on April 25, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I don't think there's anything really to be said here other than wow and thanks.

Honestly, it's nice to have the biggest web company just reach out and lend a hand to random projects around the net. From JQuery to Linux. That's pretty impressive. People will post about ulterior motives and incentives, but at the end of the day, it's just a good thing (TM).

I agree, Google moves the kernel to a bigger bandwidth capacity and that is something to be thankful.

kernel.org is hosted by ISC... beside one of the root DNS servers, distributed.net, debian.org, openbsd.org, and a few others.

They were not hurting for bandwidth.

There were problems of availability for a while after kernel.org got hacked, admins weren't very quick to restore services from a blank slate (I believe git access took four weeks). Some developers mirrored their stuff on github or repo.or.cz, but it wasn't systematic. Auto-mirroring by Google will make verification and disaster-recovery easier and faster.

They should add sourceware.org (glibc, gcc, etc.) to their git mirrors, because this one is often painfully slow.

"This mirror service is backed by the same high speed infrastructure that hosts the Android Open Source Project, which already serves more than 1 terabyte of data and 2.5 million requests each day."

Nice specs!

Hmm, it looks like they don't support the git protocol (only https), which makes the mirrors pretty useless.

You do know that git has smart http since a while?

Can't Git clone from HTTP?

Looks like they've fixed the old dumb http protocol in git: http://kasunh.wordpress.com/2011/01/15/git-over-https/

So I must apologize for my former comment.

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