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Fantastic channel, and I love that he named it (and designed the logo) after his heterochromia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterochromia_iridum

From his FAQ:

What does the name 3blue1brown refer to?

I'll be the first to admit this is a little odd. The logo is a loose depiction of my right eye color. It has what's known as "sectoral heterochromia", meaning there are different colors in different sectors, which in my case looks like 3/4 blue and 1/4 brown.

In the same way that many channels simply share their name with the author, a younger me thought that a more genetic signature might be neat. Plus, the channel is all about seeing math in certain ways, so it felt fitting. The name is just a reference to the logo, factoring in a desire for something deliberately weird-sounding that stands out.

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