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You cannot solve a cultural or political problem with a technical solution.

Actually technology is the best way to solve cultural and political problems. The invention of the printing press solved (or contributed to solving) many such problems, like the tyranny of the catholic church. Technology also had a huge role in the Arab spring protests -- Facebook and plain old tv.

This is quite obviously untrue. There is no reason to assume that if people need a technical solution for problem X, X can involve house-kitchen-'n-garden solutions but can't involve solutions for cultural or political problems.

Most of the triggers for massive social change since the agricultural revolution have been new technologies, as while you may have choices, the choices you have are restricted by the tools available to you.

So the introduction of a new set of technologies into a culture can massively alter the social dynamics.

The washing machine alone, completely transformed the social landscape of the industrialised countries.

When all you have is a hammer...

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