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I hate to lose rep but I must say that I can see the point where embedded content is concerned. Hear me out.

Certainly I understand the technical argument being made against the MPAA here. But, when I provide the descriptor (embedded video) at the cost of surrounding said video with ads then I am certainly attempting to profit from the inclusion of the video. If said content is copyrighted I can understand the copyright holder being displeased with others trying to profit from my work.

To be fair the average user (not average HN user) never says "I saw this awesome video via myVidster (site mentioned in article) though the content was hosted by and embedded from ...". The content is almost always associated to where it is found.

That said I wholeheartedly think the MPAA and RIAA need to be drug into the 21st century, even if it is kicking and screaming like a three old in cereal aisle of Wal-Mart.

But, when I provide the descriptor (embedded video) at the cost of surrounding said video with ads then I am certainly attempting to profit from the inclusion of the video. If said content is copyrighted I can understand the copyright holder being displeased with others trying to profit from my work.

So what? There are already laws to deal with taking care of that at the source. Don't make excuses for the lazy and evil.

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