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Which VPS in USA can you recommend?
2 points by hendricius on April 13, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
I am looking for an American based Virtual Server. Performance can be low.

Looking forward to reading some of your suggestions.

I use linode, amazon ec2, and bigscoots.com. Linode is very stable at a reasonable price. ec2 is very flexible and reasonably reliable but a bit more expensive. bigscoots.com is a great value, very fast and reliable with excellent service. It's nice to have options.


Linode and Slicehost will be the two most common answers. They are similar to each other. I am a happy Linode customer.

You say that performance can be low, so you might look here:


thanks. Linode looks great!

I am on knownhost.com and so far, so good.

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