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Principal Rails Dev/Generalist at YC startup
on April 9, 2012 | hide
We're solving the #1 problem facing eCommerce companies. We help them to attract high-value, loyal customers via word of mouth. Our code runs on some of the most popular eCommerce sites out there, and reach tens of millions of consumers and their friends.

The right person is an amazing problem solver, an elegant yet efficient programmer, a full-stack engineer, a creative entrepreneur, and a proactive independent decision maker. Someone who "just gets it done", even when there are complications and roadblocks.

Our development process consists of shipping code, iterating, and learning from the customer. No BS, just results.

If this sounds like you, hit us up. We're well funded, on the path to profitability, developer-centric, and are just hitting our growth stride.

  * Compensation: Market salary and pre-series A equity stake
  * Location: San Francisco, CA
To apply, email us at hack.ecommerce@gmail.com. No recruiters!

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