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I'm wondering if a good idea for a startup would be to take the Kickstarter model and flip it backwards. Fans propose projects they would like to fund, others fund it, then the respective rights owners see this interest and receive the money for the project.

There is a downside to this, which is the respective author might not be motivated anymore for the project and thus would do a poor job. Or worse, the company owning the rights to the projects, may decide it's not worth selling it back to the original author and therefore create their own version that's not up to par with the author's vision. Perhaps this could be avoided by specifically targeting the original author so that only s/he could receive the funding.

But ultimately, I guess the problem is that if it's proven there's a huge interest in a project, then the current rights owner may be more reluctant to give up the rights or only at a much higher cost.

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