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I think it will be a brand new computer game based on an existing pen & paper RPG.

According to the video other games were made based on the same RPG (I never played any of them) but the video hints that these were not so popular with the "true" fans of the original RPG and this game aims to right those wrongs.

At least that's the impression I got.

In my experience people like the Shadowrun game on Sega Genesis (it's one of my personal favorites actually), but not so much the Super Nintendo one. And the recent Shadowrun first-person shooter borrowed the Shadowrun branding without much of its essence, angering people who were expecting a deeper Shadowrun experience.

I actually really enjoyed the Super Nintendo version and I was too young (at that time) to try the Sega Genesis version. Anyhow, I've decided to pledge $60, for the game, the t-shirt and the docwagon.

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