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> everyone knows

Displayed prices should be the price you have to pay - full stop. No math required or knowledge of local municipal/state/federal tax structures, no required knowledge of local cultural expectations around tipping. Just pay the price. Just because you're accustomed to tax/tip additions doesn't mean they are in any way a good thing that should be preserved.

Do I get a breakdown of what went into each item's price on the display sticker?

Because we get that now on most (if not all) grocery stores and retailers. I can see what items in my grocery receipt were charged which of the various local taxes and can dispute them. I've had groceries miss-categorized and considered prepared food which carries a local tax in my area, but they were not prepared foods and should not have been taxed.

Having a full price up front isn't the magical cure a lot of people paint it as.

You sure can have that. Why not, its just some extra lines printed out on the receipt. No one, certainly not I, are asking to do away with itemized receipts.

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