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How to cite a tweet (MLA) (edudemic.com)
15 points by joetyson on March 25, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Interesting how MLA chose Tweet over Twitter at the end, as well as the fact that the entire tweet is in the bibliography. I wonder at what limit that including the entire content of something is reasonable (from the bibliographic perspective, not the legal one).

I wish they'd have included a way to cite entire conversations conveniently while they were at it, though.

Why not use the tweet's ID? That would preserve the conversation/context as well.

Also, I've seen the word "tweet" used to describe posts on Seiba Weibo. It's possible that the term will be become ubiquitous to describe micro-blog posts.

EDIT: Reason for not using ID: no one knows if they're permanent.

I saw this some weeks ago and this proposed formats makes no sense to me. Why the full text, but NO LINK? And 'tweet' instead of 'twitter' will just go away once we have more of services we want to quote.

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