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Right, I am always skeptical of simple answers to problems when humans are involved. I like simplicity and elegance in solutions, but if there is one thing that I have realized in life is generally when humans become a variable in the equation, simplicity goes right out the window.

I really don't think simple solution like abolish religion are the answer when dealing with the complexities of human nature. I think a scientifically valid test for identifying psychopathy would do far more for ridding the world of inequality than abolishing religion and personally, I think even that would maybe fix 1% of the issues, the reality is it is layers and layers or personal, cultural and societal behaviors, cultures and norms that together build systems of inequality. Generally simple solutions like get rid of those guys are just schemes concocted by another psychopath trying to control one group against another. You can count me out of any solution that requires alienation or elimination of a group of people based on a common identity, because that only shift the equality onto another group and it opens up a dark, dark door.

> Right, I am always skeptical of simple answers to problems when humans are involved. I like simplicity and elegance in solutions, but if there is one thing that I have realized in life is generally when humans become a variable in the equation, simplicity goes right out the window.

Can't argue with that.

> You can count me out of any solution that requires alienation or elimination of a group of people based on a common identity

Hate groups would probably agree with you since they generally have a hard time seeking support. Even though they are a group based on a common identity.

Damn, there goes that argument. Forgot about that. There was a time when people were trying to abolish slavery. Trying to highlight how – if you take a deeper look – you can see how it harmed others. And that that matters.

Put slavery in a chocolate coating, put a shiny wrapper on it and all of a sudden, we don't have a problem! As long as we don't have to look at it. And as long as it makes people feel better about themselves.

You don't need to ban religion or burn bibles. You just need to have an adult conversation about what religion's implications are, denounce it and see it for the foolishness that it is.

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