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Your comments are being downvoted because claiming religion is the cause of slavery and all of the worlds ills is so patently silly that people see no reason to refute you in words.

You did say the "sword that is wielded" so I guess you have some realization that it's not the cause, only the effect - but then the rest of your post (and your other ones) go on to try to claim that religion is the cause.

You also don't seem to realize that the moral code you live by (i.e. the things you find OK vs not OK) just by living where you do (things like corporal punishment for adults, debt slavery, age of consent, capital punishment for economic crimes) is basically arbitrary (different countries feel differently about these things without any religious thought getting involved) and to a million mile observer is indistinguishable from a religion.

So calling out religion for giving people a template (as you call it) demonstrates a lack of understanding of both religion and your own thinking - I bet you have strong opinions on all those things I mentioned, and you don't realize your opinion is basically a religious one taught to you as a child.

> Your comments are being downvoted because claiming religion is the cause of slavery and all of the worlds ills

OK. Your claim is my argument sweeps wholesale opinion, but then you make a wholesale opinion of what I meant when I said X. All of the worlds ills? No. Any specific issue? No. A major contributor? Absolutely. I didn't say that a religious-free world would be a slavery-free one. I am saying there would be less slavery overall. Not sure how that could be argued without removing parts of the story.

> You also don't seem to realize that the moral code you live by...

Another assumption.

> is basically arbitrary (different countries feel differently about these things without any religious thought getting involved) and to a million mile observer is indistinguishable from a religion.

You're taking ideals like 'capital punishment' and casting them into a 'religious ideal' for the purpose of comparing them directly. Pretty sure debt slavery, corporal punishment and capital punishment are variable dependant on the state of what you might consider a low wage, or how wrong it is to trade stocks with privileged information. We alter these ideals based on new information. Religion doesn't do this. The book that tells people to behead unbelievers today is the same book from hundreds of years ago. Religion is unyielding and doesn't evolve. Especially the kind that enslaves people. It's pretty absurd for you to suggest religion is as much of a variant as corporal punishment for adults, debt slavery, age of consent, capital punishment - regardless of distance.

> I bet you have strong opinions on all those things I mentioned,


> and you don't realize your opinion is basically a religious one taught to you as a child.

Except if new information is presented that is different than what I believe, I don't ignore it or stick my head in the sand hoping for the 'armageddon/rapture/other ridiculous event' to come to take me away. Facilitating ignorance isn't a strong point.

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