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> atheism, which if the constant preaching of is any indication, seems to be turning into quite the religion...

  I've actually noted this. The whole "Bless You" debate squares that point.
  My point is more about critical thinking and how religion takes that away 
  from people. Is anyone in argument that it is a bad thing for large groups
  of people to think the same way without due diligence? Pretty sure most
  people see large groups thinking as one as a bad thing. You can call it atheism, 
  or what have you, but essentially we're talking about freedom of critical 
  thinking vs. freedom of religion. I don't care for religion, or people
  thinking in large groups as one, so I lean towards people's right to think
> Pinning the blame for Mauritania's slavery problem on "religion" takes the eye off the ball

  Let's ask: Why is there slavery in Mauritania? What would make people 
  okay with their own enslavement? No education about what slavery is? 
  Sure. Let's say it's to do with education. Now, who's putting a stop 
  to education? Whoops. Here's to taking the eye off the ball, esoteric
  style. I tire of hearing how people will solve the world's ball of fire
  that is enslavement, brutality, ignorance by throwing a pail of water
  over it when the real problem is the factory making the lighter fluid.

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