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Sulking for 5 months isn't much of a life. Life is short.

Exactly my thoughts. The author's tolerance for ignorance and blatant hostility is far greater than mine. I would have booked a flight back home as soon as I heard "We don't take the lord's name in vain." Life is too short to deal with such a low caliber of human being on a daily basis, especially for such a long time.

<i>I would have booked a flight back home as soon as I heard "We don't take the lord's name in vain."</i>

That attitude confuses me. It's a norm of professional behavior that is trivially easy to satisfy. Is it that much of an imposition that he not verbally curse in front of his coworkers? That's like a request that you come to work in the morning with clothes covering your belly button -- I mean sure, it constrains your options somewhat, but is it something to lose sleep over?

Mocking them about their religious convictions is also a bit more small-minded than I'd expect from someone working in a multicultural office. I shudder to think what would happen if he were exposed to someone with beliefs or behaviors a bit more exotic than a garden-variety evangelical Christian.

While I agree with your opinion, in this case it seems like the "norms of professional behavior" were more about control than about multiculturalism.

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