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I know that ot is monstrosity of 11 chapters and 99 sections that did about as much to make web browsing worse as Google ads.

You see one effect, and confidently claim "all they did was effect one". So you have sufficient breadth of domain expertise to know that nothing else happened as consequence? Or just a very myopic self-centred world-view?

The thing is, if you're not a EU citizen or resident then the benefits are not for you, that's how legal jurisdiction works. So then, do you argue from meanness: it doesn't benefit me, so we should get rid if and the way that it benefit's others, or from inclusion: Why can't my legal jurisdiction have something similar?

You also have to ask yourself, if all you know is some reaction involving sites putting up cookie banners, from way outside; why you would consider yourself well informed enough to reach a conclusion that "that's all they did", and share it.

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