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That set is much smaller than the people that own the Washington Post, NY Times, etc.

The DNC receives more money from Wall Street than the GOP now. Same with Tech.

Believe what you want, but the Right is mostly driven by small donors now.

The NYT isn't owned by a billionaire. Bezos largely avoids donations (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/technology/jeff-bezos-ama...) and "from Wall Street" isn't the same as "from billionaires".

Hand-waving away right-wing billionaires as if they don't have an impact is disingenuous.

As for small donors, Trump bucked the mold here a bit; it's not typically true for Republicans:


> Democrats have long relied more on small-dollar donations, and that trend continues today. Some key Republican candidates are also relying heavily on wealthy benefactors like Peter Thiel funding super PACs to support them.

> One of the stories of the GOP in the Trump era was its ability to close the gap on small-dollar fundraising — a gap that has yawned again with Trump out of office, at least through these two platforms. (Not all small-dollar donations are routed through them, but they are the parties’ respective choices for facilitating such donations.)

> And now comes more data, which shows that Democratic small-dollar donors — one key measure of how engaged a party’s base is — appear significantly more motivated than their GOP counterparts.

I get you feel strongly about this. It's OK to have won, that's the goal, right? To no longer be the counter culture? To get what you want?

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