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True, the dynamics I stated are pretty broad (scarily so!): they don't describe why any particular set of ideas will take hold or not. The ones which appear will certainly depend on politics, as various goals/agendas are pushed (some good, some bad; subjectively speaking). There's also an aspect of cultural darwinism, that certain theories/agendas/politics are good at "reproducing" and others go "extinct".

I suppose the best we can hope for is to try and remain grounded in empiricism; call out incorrect arguments when we notice them (even for causes we agree with; we should prefer alternative, better arguments); and always allow for the possibility that we're wrong ;)

I agree. If you're interested I discussed the evolutionary bit here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34186172

(I'd propose "memetic evolution" or "memetic Darwinism" to avoid the association with like social darwinism and race "science" though.)

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