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I think the article covers that:

> So what does today’s counter-hegemonic culture look like? It’s not particularly interested in being seen—at least not in person. It gets no thrill out of wearing leather and a mohawk and walking past main-street shops, which are empty now anyway.

It's really not about what you wear or don't wear, because it's all been done, it's all online.

> It’s as if, having grown up on a fully networked Earth, Gen Z has bypassed counterculture, finding it futile in the face of a hegemonic system that more clearly resembles a Hydra than the monolithic forces that legacy counterculture was rebelling against.

There is no escape so maybe fashion has become something that is completely orthogonal to counterculture, and the real counterculture is in the anonymous spaces, discourse, and connections found online, where it doesn't matter what you look like.

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