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>I don't want them deleting my apple account in retaliation.

This is by far the biggest crime being committed here.

That they have you by the balls for access to essential services as well as your data needed to make the hardware purchase complete.

If they don't want to do the account hosting for some of their customers (because they don't like them for some reason) then they should offer an option to self host alongside a heavily discounted device which is compatible with self hosting. If you've already bought a device and they remove access to services they should be legally obligated to refund the difference. Otherwise they should make the services an explicit part of the purchase contract and be legally obliged to continue providing them.

Part of the apple tax is precisely to cover costs of maintaining the whole integrated ecosystem.

Nobody should feel the need to keep silent over a hardware issue because they may be cut off from essential software and services required to make good use of the hardware.

This is one of the core reasons for why I refuse to buy devices which are forcibly integrated into an ecosystem like this. But anyone who so chooses should not be fucked over by their choice at the whim of a large company.

There’s also the complication of being in the EU with a US Apple account, because we moved here after the account was set up.

Change your payment method to one based in the EU and it becomes an EU Apple account.

i'm also in the EU with my main apple id being US based. have you had any other major issues unique to our scenario? aside from having to create a new german account for country-specific apps it's been pretty smooth sailing for me.

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