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The use of Iran as the enemy in a video game is not due to the fact that Dice is being manipulated behind the scenes by the government in an effort to breed a legion of living robots. This idea is in fact delusional.

When you look at the history of entertainment, from novels to video games, the most memorable content gives us something that is plausible and realistic, allowing us to relate better to the experience. This is why the political enemies of the United States are often featured in games, movies, novels, etc... Because they are currently extremely unfriendly to our country, it seems far more realistic that we may end up in a conflict with them in the future.

The most successful shooters are often the ones that follow this principle. The people who play them aren't a bunch of xenophobic, extremist, right-wing fascists, they are ordinary people who like the games for their realistic graphics and engaging stories.

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