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I bought and read SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper. In it, the author says that all snipers need to have a really strong faith, philosophy, or something like that to guide them so that they don't lose control of themselves and get intoxicated by the power. When you have someone in your scope, you really can feel like God, the decision to kill or let live is yours. He says that's why it was so easy for someone like the Washington sniper to get carried away and go on a killing spree. If you don't have something strong in you to guide you and keep you under control, you'll go wild, in his opinion.

> If you don't have something strong in you to guide you and keep you under control, you'll go wild, in his opinion.

ethics and empathy is enough. no need to have religion.

He wasn't saying you needed to have a religion. He was saying you need to have something.

Quite frankly that is the same line that AA uses, and it isn't any more accurate here.

understood. since i quoted him, i definitely knew what he said. what i said was related but relevant.

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