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Run this software in a VM:


It appears to make you into a sort of node that backups up a share of reddit and sends a copy to a group that's archiving all of reddit.

Too bad they don’t support running on ARM.

> Can I run the Warrior on ARM or some other unusual architecture?

> No, currently we do not allow ARM (used on Raspberry Pi and M1 Macs) or other non-x86 architectures. This is because we have previously discovered questionable practices in the Wget archive-creating components and are not confident it runs under different endiannesses etc. If you still want to run it apparently Docker can emulate x86_64.

Oh, I was downloading the container on my pi right now. Thanks for the hint.

There's no ARM Docker build, unfortunately.

I'm sure most arm64 is difficult to get up and running, but on my M2 I used colima to do the x86_64 emulation, then just ran the docker container.


colima start --profile amd64 -a x86_64 -c 4 -m 6

I was hoping to run it on one of my Raspberry Pi. I doubt that x86_64 emulation for the container on RPi would be worth it, if it is even possible to do.

Hmmm... endianness? Would've been nice for them to provide an example that actually applies to ARM instead of leaving that under "etc."

Here is more context: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/warrior-dockerfile/issues/56 ( ARM support #56 - Apr 16, 2021 - 27 comments )

I'm using Qubes OS. I wonder why I can't simply run some application and instead have to install and manage Docker for that. I care about my security myself.

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