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Trying to work out how fit mailinator into Redis rather than questioning if Redis fits into mailinator is exactly the cargo-cult cool-kids zombism I was ranting against, though ;)

You really can process mailinator- quantities of email with a simple Java server using a synchronized hash-map and linked list LRU and have some CPUs left over for CPU-intensive opportunistic LZMAing.

Trying to do it with IPC TCP ping-pong for each and every line though; well I'm not sure you could process mailinator quantities of email within any reasonable hardware budget...

Luckily you have a chance to see the error of your ways :)

Well, I never claimed Redis should be used for this, you are the one who asked how to do it.

But you have to remember that most people can't have important data in just one process; it's going to crash and your data is gone. The LMAX guys solved this in a cool way, but I wouldn't call it easy: http://martinfowler.com/articles/lmax.html#KeepingItAllInMem...

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