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UN Pushes Plan To Assume Internet Governance Role (slashdot.org)
51 points by cobrausn on Feb 22, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Q: What problem does this solve?

A: The "problem" that government officials don't get to throw their weight around and break anarchic, bottom-up, emergent systems that don't kow-tow to them.

I doubt having the UN in charge is preferable in any way to having the US govt in charge.

For all its faults, the US is a democracy where people do have some influence on the political process. The UN is essentially run by ad-hoc coalitions of tyrants.

The US is your democracy not mine.

Actually I'm not a US citizen at all, and still I have a better chance of influencing a decision by the US government than most UN member nations' citizens have in their own countries.

This is a solution looking for a problem.

On the bright side, they can't screw it up any more than the US is already.

On the brighter side, this will be less effective than herding cats. It's like the governments of the world are teaming together to show us all how ineffective and incompetent they are.

It is quite ridiculous and revolting that government would be able to use the UN so quickly and efficiently when the outcome to to give them control and possibly econical power over a resource, threatening to pass the agreement into "international law" and yet take years of bs negotiations, political stalling and blaming the UN on most major issues out there only to come on with non binding agreements...

To me that says the most and is just revolting. Let's hope this doesn't go through making the Internet dependent on a consensus based decision making process is just absurd and a good way of killing it as we know it.

The Internet should be governed by free adoption of open protocols, not governments.

Note the main sponsors - China and Russia.

The only UN rules that the US is interested in adhering to.


To be fair, the linked slashdot posting has a link to this exact story as a counter-point.

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