If this is of interest, you might also check out Bookmarkly, a visual bookmark organizer I open sourced last week. It's node.js on the server and Backbone.js on the client, with a little Twitter Bootstrap in the UI as well.
Yes, when you're in control of the page, it's nice to be able to have different parts of your app ready-to-hand. In our case, that means Documents, Notes, Projects, Accounts, Organizations, and so on...
If your "app" is going to be embedded as a part of someone else's page, then you have to be much more careful. The results cards in the sidebar here are only exposed through a single variable: "eg2012.Card":
That's a nice sample app. My only (small) complaint is that I feel using MySQL is a bit of overkill for a sample application.
To throw my hat in the ring as well I've been working on a Backbone project that could help newcomers to Backbone. I'm in the midst of refactoring it a little bit to use lesscss as well as RequireJS and its module system.
Please feel free to fork or contribute! I love Backbone and JavaScript :D.
Having been working on my own (mobile) Twitter Bootstrap & Backbone.js app for the past week or so, the biggest issue I've had has been working out how best to deal with a combination of local & remote collections (and the caching of them, on demand)
The other blog posts from the author of this one have been very useful in getting over some of the initial speedbumps I encountered - and strongly recommend them to anyone looking to get into Bootstrap itself.