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We are of one mind, davidtate!

I posted this today, too: http://adrianoferrari.com/essays/silence-compelling-creativi...

For those who say that reading can inform creation, I think neither David nor I would disagree.

It's just that the balance is so weighted on the consumption side that we need go to the other extreme once in a while to redress the balance.

>If you are a programmer, you could write code, but you shouldn’t execute it

I'm not sure I understand - why shouldn't I execute what I wrote? Isn't it like a musician not listening to what is he playing?

You are right.

My thinking is that, especially for beginners, it's too easy to get into a tight write-compile-debug loop without thinking in broader terms about the problem. It's just an exercise in thinking about the structure of your code.

Also, you can do, or not do, whatever you want :)

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