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I'm amused that we're in the same thread that started with someone claiming that climate activists dont believe in clmnate change, they just want to help the poor and do left wing things, and now here you are complaining that all their solutions hurt the poor and dont target the big polluting corporations.

Feels like at least one of you is wrong.

> climate activists dont believe in clmnate change, they just want to help the poor and do left wing things

If that argument was made, then I don't agree with the "want to help the poor and do left wing things" part. I agree with the not believing it climate change part though - if they did they wouldn't be buying beachfront properties and flying around in jets while scolding us poor people. They'd be taxing the shit out of themselves and their corporations. They would push for price ceilings so they can't pass the taxes onto poor people.

Yet here they are scolding us for our habits and trying to make the 99% of us change while they make record profits every year. They have no desire to put their money where their mouth is though.

Who actually is "they" to you? Given the accusations you're making, there must be some fairly specific people this applies to.

Who do you see as a "climate activist" who's buying up beachfront property, flying around in a private jet, and making record profits?

And why on Earth would you think that one person or a small group who does those things is in any way representative of the environmentalist movement as a whole? How can you possibly believe that most environmentalists have the money to do those things?

Bill Gates, Barrack Obama, Greta Thunberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Prince Harry to name a few.

> small group who does those things is in any way representative of the environmentalist movement as a whole

That small group has an amplified voice and all their talking points are spread by the other activists.

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