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Draw out the connection a little more. You'll need to write a full paragraph to explain yourself.

Everything I'm exposed to in my daily life is an artificial environment mediated by fossil fuels. All my food comes from an artificial environment mediated by fossil fuels. Running out of fossil fuels would be (will be, really) a catastrophe.

How do you think the environment figures in to this? Or are you using a definition of 'environment' that includes the artificial bits that humans constructed? In which case, sure. Everything is the environment so all problems affect it. But the so-called climate crisis is still not a top priority.

Fishing and farming is the basis of the food web for cities. Cities aren't closed systems plus fossil fuels/electricity. They are super open systems with an enormity of inputs in the form of everything from wheat, to fish, to chickens that have been fed rando fish that humans won't eat, etc. It's all a big extraction machine that is super unsustainable.

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