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Would you please not take HN threads further into flamewar and not cross into personal attack? You've done it more than once in this thread, it's completely gratuitous, and we've had to warn you about this (indeed, ban you for this, if I recall correctly) many times before.

If you'd please make your substantive points without any of that, we would be grateful.


What? This is the first time you've mentioned anything about banning.

I don't remember what I've mentioned before; in any case, it's not the most important thing. The important thing is that we need you to follow the site guidelines from now on, and we ban accounts that won't do that.

It's relevant to the thread, even if not to you.

Well you responded me and my thread. So what's the point then if it's not relevant to me?

Either way I disagree. It's relevant.

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