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The town's meeting notes are online here[1]. I think they're pretty interesting.

[1]: https://erieks.com/agendas-minutes/

From the 2022-07-25 minutes, they discussed that the store is losing money. They decided to transfer money from sewer & equipment funds to it. They also decided to lower prices.


I'm wondering why the city council is making such decisions. Do they have experience running grocery stores? Perhaps they cannot hire a capable manager to set prices and make the store break-even? They should consult someone with experience on the matter. The previous owners would probably be willing to give advice.

From the 2022-06-27 minutes, the council approved a request to use the store's freezer for a city event. The store's manager said they needed council approval. I think the council is micro-managing the store without competence in retail management. The store manager doesn't have authority to run the store. This is probably the root cause of the store's financial troubles.


Here's a better question: Should the store be break-even?

If the store is "losing money" then the community's taxes are collectively paying some part of the community's food costs. That sounds like a good thing! You still have personal choice, and your money still means something, but the town is collectively paying for more equal access to food and other essential goods, in a very direct way.

Thanks for posting, always something to be learned from governance and financial transparency.

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