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In case folks don’t know this: on an iPhone you do not need to give an app access to all your photos in order to use photos in the app.

Under Privacy > Photos, you can set “Selected Photos” instead of “All Photos” on a per-app basis.

Then when you go to add a photo to the app, you first go through an iOS prompt to select the photos the app will have access to. Only then do you go through the app’s photo selection dialogue.

I have all my apps set this way (or “None”).

I just did this and the UI is weird and confusing - it looks like I need to statically pick photos in the settings app, which obviously won’t work for day to day use every time I take a photo and want to publish it to instagram.

Not saying it doesn’t work like you say, just saying it doesn’t look like it does.

At least for Telegram each time you go to pick a photo to share, it offers you the chance to "add more photos visible" or you can click Manage.

I assume Instagram and friends would do the same.

I often just take the photo via Telegram instead, which automatically adds it to your photo roll and gives Telegram access to it. It works relatively well.

You can just hit “done” in the settings app and it will close (with no photos selected).

Then on Instagram (for example) when you go to post, you’ll get a message like “you’ve only let Instagram have partial access to your photos - Manage”. Tapping Manage will let you select photos that Instagram can access.

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